Episode 016: Michael Workman, Anil Desai and Celia Pacquola

Bread and Circuses

Live from EDGE HQ, MW sits down and talks Michael Workman, Anil Desai and Celia Pacquola.

Joining them is Tech guru and sometime contributor Dave Keeshan

Strap in and join the guys as they cover every thing from pools on a boat, sharing mics, travelling comics, goths and sport, Bread and Circuses, the highs and lows of Edinburgh, feet on the stage, worst audience types, Laid, acting.

Get in touch with Comedy on the Edge.

Follow everyone on twitter: @comedyonedge @M_W_Oh   @workmancomedy @anildesaicomic @CeliaPacquola

Mark Williamson
Anil Desai
Celia Pacquola
Dave Keeshan